Archive for oktober, 2011

Host1 tilbyr nå Minecraft-servere

fredag, oktober 28th, 2011

Host1 har siden starten hostet en av Norges største Minecraft-servere: Thorcraft

Nå har vi i tillegg bestemt oss for å lansere Minecraft-servere som et eget produkt, du kan nå leie en Minecraft-server hos Host1 fra 199,-/mnd inkl mva. Du får da en ferdig oppsatt Minecraft-server med McMyAdmin Enterprise for enkel administrasjon av serveren via browser, ramdisk dedikert til å hoste selve Minecraft-filene for å sikre seg mot lag og bugs som man ofte får når man kjører Minecraft fra vanlig harddisk. Du får også en dedikert IP og et gratis domene slik at dine medspillere slipper å styre med porter osv når de skal koble til.

Se for en oversikt over de forskjellige Minecraft-serverne, har du behov for noe spesialtilpasset er det bare å kontakte Salg for å få et tilbud.

How to build driver-iso for ARECA ARC18XX-series for XenServer

onsdag, oktober 5th, 2011

Due to the apparent need for a quick howto for building a driver-iso for the ARECA 18XX-series RAID-cards for XenServer i’ll post one here. It will only be available in English.

Step 1: Setup DDK

  • Download the DDK from
  • Mount or extract the iso, use the «import»-function in XenServer to import the ova.xml-file.
  • Start the DDK-appliance, configure network if needed.

Step 2: Driver

  • Login to the DDK Appliance as root.
  • Create a directory called /root/driver:
    mkdir /root/driver

    * Download the source files from ARECA to /root/driver and extract them, and rename the directory:

    mv arcmsr.1.20.0X.15-110622 arcmsr-1.20.0X.15

    * Copy the Makefile and the helloworld.spec-file from /root/examples/driver:

    cp /root/examples/driver/Makefile /root/driver/
    cp /root/examples/driver/helloworld.spec /root/driver/arcmsr.spec

    * Modify the Makefile and the arcmsr.spec-file with the correct Vendor names, versions and so on. Should be self-explaining.

    • In the makefile in this example: RPM_VERSION:= 1.20.0X.15 and RPM_RELEASE := 110622
    • In the arcmsr.spec in this example: VERSION: 1.20.0X.15 and Release: 110622

Step 2.1: Modifying the source files from ARECA

  • Due to a small section in the source from ARECA creating issues we have to modify /root/driver/arcmsr-1.20.0X.15/arcmsr.h, remove the following section from the file:
           enum {
                   SCSI_QDEPTH_DEFAULT,    /* default requested change, e.g. from sysfs */
                   SCSI_QDEPTH_QFULL,      /* scsi-ml requested due to queue full */
                   SCSI_QDEPTH_RAMP_UP,    /* scsi-ml requested due to threshhold event */

     Step 2.2: Building the drivers

  • Now it’s time to build:
    cd /root/driver
    make build-srctarballs
    make build-iso

    * Now you should have a working driver-iso in /root/driver/arcmsr.iso, this can be loaded as a supplemental pack during the installation of XenServer.