Informasjon om beslag av kundedata.

desember 3rd, 2014 vil opplyse om at vi har utlevert kundedata for en kunde som følge av en rettsordre fra tingretten. Vi har fått godkjennelse fra tingretten til å informere våre kunder om dette og vil i den forbindelse informere om våre rutiner for behandling av forespørsler om utlevering av data fra politiet/Kripos/myndighetene (heretter bare kalt myndighetene).

Host1 er opptatt av at våre kunders data alltid skal være beskyttet fra innsyn, og vil alltid be om en rettsordre ved begjæring om utlevering av kundedata fra myndighetenes side. I forbindelse med denne saken benyttet vi oss av våre advokater som rådgivere for å sikre at alt ble gjort korrekt fra vår side. Data ble kun gjort tilgjengelig for myndighetene på tingrettens ordre, og dataen som ble utlevert gjaldt kun kunden som begjæringen om beslag gjaldt.

Vi vil også informere om at vi vil hvis nødvendig ta en eventuell begjæring om utlevering av data til høyesterett hvis vi mener at det ikke er et legitimt behov for utlevering av data.

Vi har også fått en skriftlig bekreftelse fra tingretten om at vi ikke er omfattet av ekomloven. Og vil dermed aldri utlevere kundedata uten en gyldig rettsordre.

Hvis noen har spørsmål rundt dette kan dere kontakte Support.

English version: Information about data seizure

How to protect wordpress against xmlrpc-attack.

oktober 22nd, 2014

Lately we have seen a huge increase in attacks against xmlrpc.php in wordpress-installations. This creates problems for other clients on the hosting servers, and for yourself.

To protect yourself against this you can use the following guide: (See «bruteforce against xmlrpc.php».)

Add a .htaccess-file to the directory with wordpress (and xmlrpc.php) in it, copy the lines mentioned in the wiki-article into the .htaccess-file and your xmlrpc.php should be protected against any attacks.

Network issues 09.10.2014

oktober 9th, 2014

On thursday 09.10.2014 we experienced some unfortunate network issues on our network which resulted in packet loss and slow connection for our webhosting and virtual server-clients.

The problems lasted from 21:30 to 23:45.

This problem was caused by extreme amounts of unwanted traffic, which unfortunately took a long time to resolve due to some technical issues. The cause of the problems have been identified and permanently fixed.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these problems, and we can assure you that we are taking all steps necessary to prevent this from happening again.

Contact Host1 support if you have any questions regarding this issue.

Host1 partners with Cloudflare

september 11th, 2014

This is a guest post written and contributed by CloudFlare CloudFlare makes it easy for any site to be as fast and secure as the Internet giants.

CloudFlare, a web performance and security company, is excited to announce our partnership with Host1! If you haven’t heard about CloudFlare before, our value proposition is simple: we’ll make any website twice as fast and protect it from a broad range of web threats.

Today, hundreds of thousands of websites—ranging from individual blogs to e-commerce sites to the websites of Fortune 500 companies to national governments—use CloudFlare to make their sites faster and more secure. We power more than 65 billion monthly page views—more than Amazon, Wikipedia, Twitter, Zynga, AOL, Apple, Bing, eBay, PayPal and Instagram combined—and over 25% of the Internet’s population regularly passes through our network.

Faster web performance

CloudFlare is designed to take a great hosting platform like Host1 and make it even better.

We run 23 data centers strategically located around the world. When you sign up for CloudFlare, we begin routing your traffic to the nearest data center.

As your traffic passes through the data centers, we intelligently determine what parts of your website are static versus dynamic. The static portions are cached on our servers for a short period of time, typically less than 2 hours before we check to see if they’ve been updated. By automatically moving the static parts of your site closer to your visitors, the overall performance of your site improves significantly.

CloudFlare’s intelligent caching system also means you save bandwidth, which means saving money, and decreases the load on your servers, which means your web application will run faster and more efficiently than ever. On average, CloudFlare customers see a 60% decrease in bandwidth usage, and a 65% in total requests to their servers. The overall effect is that CloudFlare will typically cut the load time for pages on your site by 50% which means higher engagement and happier visitors.

Broad web security

Over the course of 2011, CloudFlare identified a 700% increase in the number of distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS) we track on the Internet (see the chart below). As attacks like these increase, CloudFlare is stepping up to protect sites.

CloudFlare’s security protections offer a broad range of protections  against attacks such as DDoS, hacking or spam submitted to a blog or comment form. What is powerful about our approach is that the system gets smarter the more sites that are part of the CloudFlare community. We analyze the traffic patterns of hundreds of millions of visitors in real time and adapt the security systems to ensure good traffic gets through and bad traffic is stopped.

In time, our goal is nothing short of making attacks against websites a relic of history. And, given our scale and the billions of different attacks we see and adapt to every year, we’re well on our way to achieving that for sites on the CloudFlare network.

Signing up

Any website can deploy CloudFlare, regardless of your underlying platform. By integrating closely with Host1, we make the process of setting up CloudFlare «1 click easy» through your existing cPanel dashboard. Just look for the CloudFlare icon, choose the domain you want to enable, and click the orange cloud. That’s it!

We’ve kept the price as low as possible and plans offered through Host1 are free. Moreover, we never charge you for bandwidth or storage, therefore saving you tons via reduced bandwidth costs.

For site owners who would like to take advantage of CloudFlare’s advanced offerings, we also offer a ‘Pro‘ tier of service for $20/month. The ‘Pro’ tier includes all of the ‘Free’ tier’s offerings, as well as extra features like SSL, full web application firewall and faster analytics.

We’re proud that every day more than a thousand new sites, including some of the largest on the web, join the CloudFlare community. If you’re looking for a faster, safer website, you’ve got a good start with Host1, but the next step is to join the CloudFlare community.

Payments via bitcoin a huge success!

april 1st, 2014


The 3rd of October 2013 Host1 started accepting payments in Bitcoin via Bitpay.
This allows us to securely accept Bitcoin and automatically have it converted to EUR which is paid out to our bank account.
Since then we have seen a steady stream of orders being paid entirely via Bitcoin. This was a experiment to see if there was any interest amongst our clients in paying for their hosting needs in Bitcoin.
So far in 2014 we have seen a huge increase in the total amount paid with Bitcoin, the total is now already over 6 figures this year.

The combination of hosting based in Norway (with fairly good privacy laws) and the possibility to pay with Bitcoin seems to be a good one, and we are looking forward to welcoming even more clients from all over the world who wish to take advantage of our services, high level of privacy and the possibility to pay in Bitcoin.

Maintenance shared hosting servers Thursday 27.03.2014 from 00:00 CET

mars 25th, 2014

We will perform maintenance on our shared hosting servers from midnight Thursday 27.03.2014. During this maintenance there might be short interruptions on the service while we are upgrading the servers. Contact if you have any questions regarding this maintenance.

Maintenance shared hosting server Thursday 20.03.2014 from 00:00 CET

mars 18th, 2014

Notice to all our shared hosting clients: We will perform maintenance on all our shared hosting servers from midnight Thursday 20.03.2014. The maintenance will last for 6 hours and while we do not expect any downtime related to the maintenance there might be some short interruptions in service while we perform some upgrades. Please contact support if you have any questions related to the maintenance:


november 18th, 2013

Notice to all our clients:

You can view videotutorials for cPanel, Fantastico, Softacalous, FTP and Email here:

You can now pay with Bitcoins on

oktober 3rd, 2013

Host1 has now started to accept Bitcoins as a payment-option. All of our clients will now have the option to pay through «Bit-pay» when paying invoices. If you choose to pay with Bit-pay the amount on the invoice will still be shown in NOK, but will be paid with Bitcoin through Bit-pay.

When you choose to pay with Bit-pay you will be sent to a external site (Bit-pay) where you will receive a unique bitcoin-address which can be used to pay the invoice.

Example of a transaction through Bit-pay:


Du kan nå betale med Bitcoins på

september 17th, 2013

Host1 har fra og med i dag begynt å akseptere Bitcoins som betalingsmetode. Alle våre kunder vil nå få opp «Bit-pay» som et ekstra valg når fakturaer skal betales. Velger du å betale med Bit-pay vil summen på fakturaen fremdeles oppgis i NOK, men betales i Bitcoins.

Når du velger å betale med Bit-pay vil du videresendes til en ekstern nettside hvor du får en adresse du kan bruke til å betale fakturaen.

Eksempel på betalingsside:
